MMimideluxeGrasa/ResistenteI can't. They don't send to my country 😭😭20CorneliaSeca/SensibleI just noticed they dont ship to mine neither 😭😭10View 1 more repliesnimiiiSeca/Sensiblethey ship to linen I’m so excited!! 🤩🤩20CorneliaSeca/SensibleYay!! 😍00jojobeauty16Grasa/Resistentei wasnt going to get anything but decided to get 1000 points converted as i have a couple of things ive been wanting xxx😘😘😘20iamwennnGrasa/Resistentethanks for sharing 10MiftahRachmaGrasa/SensibleEnjoy with this Pixky event. Too bad cannt ship my country 101234