Hello there, I’d love to share my acne cycle journey since I was in junior high school in 2009 untill today. Back then I was not educated about skincare, specially in Indonesian, illegal scincare is everywhere, I’ve used ‘Hydroquinone Tretinoin RDL babyface solution 2’ which is manufactured in Philipine (as far as I know, it should be prescription recipe from dermatologist there, but I bought it from beauty counter).
The worst condition I ever had was Dec 2013 - Feb 2014 after I got makeup for my bro wedding, I thought that MUA didn’t clean the make up tools enough. I was going to dermatologist and my skin became worse than befor, it feels like burned. It was itchy even when I spoke, I got traumatic to dermatogist product and treatment 😢😢
Its got better after I used Acness set, but after 1,5 years it stucked with PIH, and I started to try explore local and korean skincare. Since I studied at chemistry, so I started to do research about skincare ingredients from journal.
Since Mei 2018, my acne cycle got worse again, because I got stress (my father was passed away, I got to start my magister in another city, my skincare was cut off since I had to move and it was during ramadhan, delivery package was overload), then after I was in new place, my skin had to adapt with new with the weather and water.
I started to do skin diet, more research from influencer who have similar skin probs, and how stupid I was that I try illegal skincare because one of those influencer.
My worst condition ever was in April 2019, My face was full of pimple, I got fever, I couldnt sleep, Its not about insecure or convident but I got sick😢😢 So I had to go to dermatologist, It was Larissa, an oldest beauty clinic in Yogyakarta. I was so gratefull my skin got better after routine treatment and using their product for 5-6 months, I stopped using their product but still toke routine treatment, and started using drugstore skincare again.
Time goes on, and then Covid Pandemic started, the campus was lockeddown, I couldnt go anywhere, I couldnt control my food, and I got breakout again, but it was not as worst as April 2019.
You guys can check my acne journey, on the highlight of my IGS
Since Nov 2020 I joined Jafra member, and started using White Royal Boost series for my basic skincare. After my skin got healthier I started to combi my skincare with drugstore product. I also try to manage my food and my bed time which is the hardest part, I m more to night person, so I still got pimple, but my skin looks healthier now (my newest skin cond is the single photo)