First off, ugly comes from inside of people, not outside. But, I totally understand where you are coming from. Controlling acne breakout totally is definitely not possible. Lessening the amount of pimples, how severe the get and how long they last is possible to a degree though. I am 58 and have had acne to a degree my entire life. I had years where I had very little and years where I had more, and we have the same skin type. Here's what I have learned! You definitely don't need a lot of money to have good skincare. You do although need to be consistent and patient! A steam facial is free with a pot of hot water and a towel. this will open your pores to better remove impurities. I'd recommend about every 3-4 days. Directly after steaming wash your face with an appropriate cleanser for your skin type. Likely a double cleanser regime would best suit your skin. DO NOT scrub aggressive, but just be through to get every place! rinse with tepid water. Wash 2x a day, but just dbl cleanser in the pm will likely work well. Then, if you like with cooler water after that. Witch Hazel astringent is dirt cheap and the brand doesn't matter at all. It is high recommended for our skin type. You can do some reading on it too. Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl peroxide and Glycolic acids are all recommended for acne prone skin. You will need to figure out how much to use and how frequent. I recommended less to start, every 3 or 4 days, working your way up to every or every other day. Pimple patches work great. Remember do not ever pick!! ALWAYS use a water based moisturizer. And yes oily people need moisturizer too. DRINK LOTS OF WATER to keep impurities flushed out. Eat healthy foods as it seriously makes a difference. Mostly remember one size doesn't fit all and we are all different as to what may work for us. To help you get products for free i definitely recommend applying here as well as there are many other sites similar to this that will give you free products in exchange for a review, usually on Instagram. Make sure you have an account if you don't. My companies on Instagram also give free products in exchange for reviews there too. Find some ppl to follow that do skincare reviews on their Instagram for tips on places to get free skincare items from. Best of luck sweetie and you are worth more than your temporary pimples!!🥰