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IG Worthy Content ๐Ÿ‘‘

Are you currently becoming an influencer and dancing around what you can do to create content that meets the "IG Algorithm?" Maybe you have made an amazing picture but the caption doesn't fit the image? Here are just five big factors of many that play into great content and anyone, YES ANYONE, can do it. ๐Ÿฆ‹ High Quality Images ๐Ÿฆ‹ We all know that a professional camera and many other tools are ideal to have when creating content; however, those who do not can just as easily have a great image. Lighting and backgrounds are a big importance, you can find a light box on Amazon for cheap or simply find the best lighting and only having what should be in the image, there. Remember, practice makes perfect and it's okay to take 1000 pictures to find the best one. Research your camera settings like adding "grids," to your camera or other settings to enhance your photo. Above all, there are photo editing apps to help you edit photos versus adding a filter and calling it a day; apps like "Adobe Light Room," "Adobe Photoshop," or "VSCO," are great ways to help you. You can always go professional as well, just research. ๐Ÿฆ‹ Trendy Content ๐Ÿฆ‹ Now that you know how to capture a great photo, you can focus on great content. It's not unusual to be posting the same thing as other people, for example, there are 100000 pictues of textures on Instagram! However it's popular content within a specific niche. Whatever your niche may be there are constant trending topics and you want your content to be up to date. As skincare we all know that texture shots, brand reviews, PRS, are just a few content specifics that attract our attention. What about next month? Always stay in the know. ๐Ÿฆ‹ A Simple Caption that Targets Your Audience ๐Ÿฆ‹ When choosing a caption to use for your content a simple phrase is best suitable; or if you are creating a review a simple targeted title that makes the viewer want to hit that "read more," button. Lets say you are a foodie influencer and have created a "reel," of bad restaurants in whatever country you visited, you may want to use a caption like, "Five Restaurants to Avoid in America," straight to the point and targets those who are foodies in the USA. Never use something to simple and dual like " #ootd," as a fashion influencer this would be something people just say "oh, cool, *swipe.* ๐Ÿฆ‹ A "Call To Action," to Your Followers ๐Ÿฆ‹ As an influencer you want and need that interaction with your followers, not only does IG take interest into what posts drag viewers attention but the viewers activity to a post as well. When creating content you can throw in to your caption, "Save this Post if you Need These Products," or "Like this Post if you Want to Travel Here." Not only is engagement huge to IG and yourself as an Influencer but to Sponsors, Brands that want to Collaborate with Influencers as well! ๐Ÿฆ‹ #HASHTAG, #HASHTAG, #HASHTAG ๐Ÿฆ‹ Yes it feels so funny when adding hashtags to your content because you may not be able to vision yourself literally saying "We Wear Pink on Wednesdays," but these are HUGE on Instagram. Many users search hashtags and choose to hit the follow button just on a phrase! So if you have 3million people following "#instadaily," imagine how many IG users will see your post! It's of the up most importance to stay up to date on trending hashtags, so in hopes you yourself will become trending and if not, you are still trendy. โ˜บ These are just A FEW of MANY factors in your IG posts! Comment below what else should be in your content to be IG WORTHY! โคตโคตโคต As well as shoot a follow to my picky account for more helpful tips to come.


IG Worthy Images ๐Ÿ‘‘

Are you interested in becoming an influencer? Find yourself with not quite up to par images or your pictures are good but making mistakes? Here are just 5 of MANY ways to make your pictures IG worthy and meeting that "IG Algorithm." ๐Ÿฆ‹ AVOID THE CLUTTER ๐Ÿฆ‹ First we need to create a picture worth taking. Whether you are a content creator for fashion, food, or skincare; there is always clutter to avoid capturing. What is clutter? Simple, see that outfit you are wearing in your selfie or that luxurious serum, so stunning, but oh no, you noticed the dirty clothes pile or the dirty sink in your choice of image for content. This is like that kitchen drawer of random things, so unnecessary but we ALL have it. Clear the clutter from your pictures, only photograph what you WANT other people to see; especially those companies you want to collaborate with. ๐Ÿฆ‹ GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR FOCUS ๐Ÿฆ‹ So, you have the perfect layout for a picture, but damned if you didn't take 281910 pictures and they all just seem shaky; or just like me, your hands are far from the steadiest hands in the world.. Get yourself a tripod. There are so many tools out there, not to mention for cheap, that you can get your hands on to create professional pictures if you have a smartphone. ๐Ÿฆ‹ AVOID THE ZOOM BUTTON ๐Ÿฆ‹ You may feel as if zooming in on what you are trying to capture is enhancing what you want to see; however, the truth is it's only hurting your image. There are so many ways to edit an image to enhance what you want to see; simply move with your camera and capture the image. You would be surprised with how just a step or two can change your picture. If you are still not getting that close enough in look, once you have found you spot to stand, find yourself an editing app and practice your way around features to get that image. ๐Ÿฆ‹ REAR FACING CAMERA ๐Ÿฆ‹ Yes, back to 2010! Take a selfie with your rear facing camera. If you have gotten that tripod you are already a step in the right direction of creating a high resolution picture because the rear facing camera is in fact a more enhanced lense versus the front. Yes, I mentioned a selfie but for those who have a passion for product photography and skin care like me, we all know that we use that rear facing camera way to often. Did you read the word "lense?" Did you know, that you can literally buy attachable lenses for your phones camera? You'll thank me later and look out for my next discussion focused specifically on LENSES. Also, please research before jumping into a lense and remember practice makes perfect. Anyone can learn. ๐Ÿฆ‹ USING FLASH CORRECTLY ๐Ÿฆ‹ All in all, if you are using just your smart phone with no white background it is much easier to avoid the flash all together and work with natural lighting, or even a "light box," (search this on amazon, thank me later.) However, there are many ways and tools to use flashes correctly which is a whole other discussion and a lot more research it takes to get these techniques completely right. I find personally that ambient or natural light is MY best friend. Comment below โคตโคต what other mistakes you should avoid to create IG Worthy images! If you have found this helpful please stay tunned to my Picky for more discussions like these.

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