| 4 de junio de, 2021
Cicaloe Water Soothing Cream

This moisturizer is white in color, but when it comes into contact with the skin, it immediately turns transparent because it looks like it melts into water, so it's no wonder the name of the product is the word 'water'. When applied to the skin it makes it cool and immediately turns into water. But it doesn't just disappear right away, like using aloe gel. The water takes time to soak in, so after applying it, the surface of the skin will look wet, in no longer than 3 minutes. I also felt it when it turned into water, but there was a little oily taste. That's why even though this is a moisturizer that is very light in texture, for morning use, it still provides enough moisture to my predominantly dry skin.

I don't see any bad things in this product yet


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