Acence Blemish Out Pink Spot

Upon receipt, I had to let this sit for a few hours since it got mixed up while on transit. After that, I immediately used this on my hormonal acne on my chin. I was able to use this for about 5 times within 2 months.
The scent is like Alcamporado/Alcanforado. Filipino moms are aware of that but for those who doesn't know, it is a topical oil that is rubbed on babies (can also be used by adults) that gives instant relief to congestion in their throat and lungs when they smell it. For me, it's tolerable but for those sensitive with smell, they might not like this.
When I applied this on my blemishes, it had a cool sensation that doesn't last long. However, when applied on open blemishes, this gave me a tolerable sting, for me atleast. I applied this overnight, and I must say that this worked! This remarkably reduced and flattened the bumps on my face. My blemishes became less sore and red. They were cleared after about 2-3 days.

However, this is drying so be careful on using too much.


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