Cellup Gel To Water Cleanser

🤍 Packaging
It comes in 220mL transparent and flexible tube and its very big.
🤍 Key Ingredients and Claim
1. Glycerin
This humectant, derived from botanical extracts, helps bind moisture to skin and mimics skin's natural moisturizing properties.
2. Jojoba Seed Oil
This oil, derived from the jojoba plant seed, helps to moisturize and balance skin, fight off bacteria, repair skin, and fight free radical damage.
3. Lemon Fruit Oil
This acts as a detoxifying agent that nourishes, cleanses, and exfoliates skin while clearing up skin issues such as oiliness and acne
4. pH level: 6.2 +/- 1.0
5. Skin Concerns :
6. Skin Types :
Dry Skin
Normal Skin
Oily Skin
🤍 Texture, Scent, and Color
The texture of this cleanser is thick clear gel with citrusy scent. When you apply it on your face the thick clear gel will transform to water type cleanser.
🤍 Experience
At the first time I use this product, Honestly Im little bit doubtful because its not foamy cleanser like I usually use everyday before. It feels strange when I apply it because there is no foam and I feel my face not completely clean. But after a week, I think "oh okay I like it, there is no bad effect". The transformation from thick gel to watery cleanser is really amazing for me. Like I said, there is no bad effect and not irritating my sensitive skin. My skin feels hydrated well and clean properly. I recommend to use this cleanser as your AM routine to remove unnecessary sebum and skin wastes that was excreted while sleeping. Im not recommend this as your PM routine if you use makeup everyday because you still need first cleanser like cleansing oil or cleansing balm to remove your heavy, stubborn and waterproof makeup.

I think although the packaging is huge but when I use it, I always need 2-3 pinches to make sure my face clean. So, its not good for my wallet 😆😆


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