AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid

🇬🇧 It does not have a strong aroma, it practically doesn’t smell like anything at all, it absorbs quickly and if you are constant you will notice results.
🇪🇸 No tiene aroma fuerte, practicamente no huele a nada, se absorbe rápido y si eres constante notaras resultados.

🇬🇧 I was using it for several months, in the night routine, at first it itched a lot, especially in the nose area, but then I got used to it.
I did not notice incredible results since I have a lot of oil on my nose, maybe I should try something stronger.
🇪🇸 Lo estuve usando por varios meses, en la rutina de noche, al principio me picaba mucho sobretodo en la zona de la nariz, pero luego me fui acostumbrando.
No noté resultados increibles ya que tengo mucha grasita en la nariz, quizá debería provae algo más fuerte.


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