Violet Shampoo

🇪🇸 Fantástico champú (y económico) para evitar que el pelo gris o blanco se ponga amarillento, incluso para matizar las mechas y no te deje aquel amarillo piolin tan feo. Yo lo alterno con mi champú habitual dos o tres veces a la semana, y una vez a la semana pongo mascarilla hidratante para que no se vea el pelo resecado.
🇬🇧 Fantastic (and economical) shampoo to prevent gray or white hair from turning yellow, even to tone the highlights and not give you that ugly yellow piolin. I alternate it with my usual shampoo two or three times a week, and once a week I put on a moisturizing mask so that my hair doesn't look dry.

🇪🇸 No le he encontrado nada malo.
🇬🇧 I haven't found anything wrong with it.


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