Mad For Makeup
Mad For Makeup - Kautsar review for 3in1 Pore Clarifying Treatment Essence

3in1 Pore Clarifying Treatment Essence

I think this a facemist with many good ingredients! The ingredients is 70% Galactomyces which good for brigten ur skin, 10% rose , 3% Aloe Vera. This product is using a glass and the aplicatornya spray. the applicator is very comfortable to use, because when sprayed it hits all directions. This product is very hydrate my skin after washing the face!๐
This product was hype in 2020,until it's hard to find. But the result in my skin just hydrate my skin just like a hydrating toner.

The brightening effect on my face hasn't been seen yet, but for hydrating it is enough. And this product contain rose,which my skin does not match. But i can use this before reapplying sunscreen.


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