Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
AHA/BHA Mild Peeling Lotion

The consistency is very watery, almost the same as Hada Labo's Hydrating Lotion Light (green line). I believe it is suitable for the beginners who wanted to incorporate chemical exfoliate in their skincare routine. It is a very mild chemical exfoliater so you should expect a slow result. As the product claims, I can feel that my skin is getting softer from the gluconic acid. Aside from that, my skin also looks extra glowy the morning after I used this. It also helps get rid some of my tiny bumps / whiteheads / closed comedones on my forehead and temple area. Plus, my pores also feel clearer. It did not causes any major changes to my acne growth but that is because I started using it a week before my menses / period.

DO NOT be impatient like me. I used this product twice a week for almost a month and it causes the formation of microcomedones along my right jawline. Although it contains mild percentage of exfoliants, you should start off by using it once a week. I am currently on my second week of calming my skin. After the mess on my jawline clears up, I will continue using this product in a careful manner.


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