Stiefel - MissMaria review for Stieva-A 0.025% Tretinoin Cream USP
Acne & Blemish Treatments

Stieva-A 0.025% Tretinoin Cream USP

Helps my skin heal faster after breakouts. Prevents new breakouts. I know this because when I tried to stop using it I got several new pimples.
Cleaned my pores. I get fewer blackheads now.
Overall it's doing more good for my skin than bad.

I purged a bit even if I incorporated it slowly and always with moisturizer. After the purge I was fine.
Can't be in the sun anymore / always have to apply spf.
Makes my skin more dry but I'm not mad at this. I can moisturize and I hate greasy skin anyway.
After 12 months of use I feel like it's less effective for me. I'm slowly switching to 0.05%. Results tbd


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