Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
Blue Moon Moisturizer

The first impression when using this cream; wow the occlusive really fits my skin. It fits so well, I also use this cream in the morning. Even though all this time my skin doesn't feel good when I use a moisturizer that is too rich in the morning. At night, there is no problem.
This product is claimed to relieve inflammation and I feel it on my skin. At that time, some of my pimples popped and afterwards were really red. I tried to add this cream to the red part and the next day it much subsided

I think this is a basic moisturizer that is okay to have. Its occlusive and moisturizing effect can be great. Even though in terms of a brightening effect I don't see any effect on my skin. But what is called a moisturizer does focus more on moisturizing. It's a different story if it's active serum or ampoule.


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