Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
Peptide Ampoule

Cheers to be youthfull with the potions peptide ampoule 🥂✨
Anti aging with peptide?
Yups, you can! One of them with Peptide Ampoule from The Potions
One of the ingredients with a concern as an anti-aging, peptide functions to minimize wrinkles on the skin because it uses active protein to encourage collagen.
Other benefits such as :
•Maintain skin moisture
•Encourage collagen production
•Hydrate skin
•As an anti-aging
Simple, dominated by white-grey metallic colors. Makes the impression of a "modern" skincare look in my opinion. The box also contains information "such as ingredients, directions, etc. Which have been translated into Indonesian (some have Hangeul inscriptions because The Potions itself is a brand from Korea). The pipettes are the right size so they can reach if the contents of the product are about to run out.
Texture 🌊
Watery! So don't worry or be afraid that the product is not well absorbed into the skin, because the texture itself is runny so within seconds after spreading it all over the face, this serum is well absorbed into the skin. So it's also suitable for use in your slot am routine because it doesn't make it greasy. Oh yeah, the hydration is really good too! but for moisturizing, it is better to combine it with other products that concern more with moisturizer.
Overall ⭐
As a newbie "anti-aging" skincare user, I find this product to help minimize wrinkles and give a firming effect to my skin (my skin feels more like "pulled" like that, but doesn't feel pulled because it's not hydrated enough) and overall I like it. Because this product is safe to use without any side effects such as irritation etc. It can & it's okay if it is mixed and matched with other skincare ingredients
The definition of long-term investment for skin to always be youthful! 🥂

So far nothing bad with this product


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