P.Z. Ssoc Ssoc No More Blackhead

This time I want to introduce to you a product that is effective for removing your blackheads easily! Say bye bye to your blackheads guys❤️ Incidentally, I also have a lot of blackheads, especially since I'm afraid of facials, so I found this product, guys! The packaging is fairly sturdy and hygienic, because it is in the form of a pump. It's pretty good to be able to carry it everywhere because it's 100ml in size.
Key ingredients:
- Hazel Water
- Centella Asiatica Extract
- Lemon Balm Leaf
- Peppermint Leaf
From my experience using this, to be honest, blackheads are easy to remove and don't leave any pain, aka not irritating. It's also easy to use, just take a cotton swab and spray it onto the cotton. Continue to paste for 15-20 minutes. If you can rub and press with cotton buds, voilaaaa blackheads come out easily and are softer.
Even the nose doesn't turn rough, it's like a hedgehog's skin Practical and easy right? If it's easy, why does it have to be difficult, right?

no bad effect with this product


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