Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
Heartleaf Essence Calming Pump

Abib Heartleaf Essence is a very straight forward product!
๐ฟ Teksturnya unik! Pas pertama kali di pump kaya gel tapi abis di aplikasikan ke muka berubah jadi cair. It's like splashing water to your face!
๐ฟ Adem banget abis pake ini. Muka terasa lebih tenang dan lembab. Abis dipake merah-merah hilang perlahan, gak langsung semuanya ilang.
๐ฟ Bener-bener your normal, everyday go to essence. Lightweight, minimum fragrance with a hint of herbal smell. Walau ditujukan ke acne prone, menurut aku untuk normal to combo skin boleh bngt cobain ini!

I couldnt find anything bad about this product! It is on the price-y side tho. I recommend buying it on discount!


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