Freeman - kurniaashari review for Feeling Beautiful Dead Sea Facial Mask
Wash-Off Masks

Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
Feeling Beautiful Dead Sea Facial Mask

Packaging in the form of a tube with a fliptop lid, it is not convenient because when you are traveling you have to be careful not to get hit by other objects. The color of the packaging is very refreshing to the eye with a marine theme. All information is complete on the packaging.
🥠Texture & scent:
The texture is a dense paste, but when applied to the face, it instantly melts and is very easy to apply. The smell is very refreshing, it makes us feel relaxed.
This is a must try, as real as he claims it helps reduce stress, the content of lavender and bergamot greatly affects thinking through the resulting scent.
In addition, the impression after using this, the face becomes clean, bright and oil production is controlled.

there is no shield when you buy a new product,


1 Komentar

Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif
hated this product. high in essential oils and dried out my oily skin. yes it smells nice but that's all there is
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