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So you enter a giveaway with an awesome prize, you come back every day and do all the daily entries diligently, only to find out at the end of the giveaway that you didn’t win. Frustrating, Feeling sad..... Right? Of course! And I think you have every right to feel that way. Probably because I too have felt the same way before. It’s hard to accept that you didn’t get something you worked so hard for. It’s true for giveaways as it is true for other areas of life. I wouldn’t consider not winning a giveaway as “failure” though because winners of giveaways are drawn randomly. And when something is picked randomly, the only thing you can do to get better chances of winning is by increasing your “lots” or entries. We have to remember, though, that doing all those tasks (the follows, the daily entries, or referral entries) does not entitle us to the prize. And not winning does not give someone the right to bad-mouth the person/company/blogger who ran the giveaway. Just last month, one particular company did a giveaway/contest for a high-end item. The official rules clearly stated that there will be 2 winners — one picked at random and one with the highest number of entries (it was an unlimited entry type of giveaway where you gain entries by sharing and referring friends). What made me sad is that there were a couple of people who were saying that the giveaway / company is unfair. Drawing a winner randomly is not unfair. But the main issue of those people is that the company was awarding a prize to the person with the most entries — which to them is unfair because they don’t think they can get enough entries/referrals to win the second prize. Correct me if I’m wrong but, to me, it seems just about fair for the company to recognize and thank the one that worked hard to get so many people to sign up. I had thousands of entries to that giveaway and I felt that there was a big possibility that I’d win. But I didn’t win the prize for the most number of entries, and that’s okay. That’s just how giveaways are. You win some, you lose some. I don’t see anything wrong with the way that company ran their giveaway. And I feel bad for them for receiving such attacks from some people. It’s sad that there are people who can be so negative. Anyway, I guess my point is this: If a certain giveaway is not run the way you prefer, it’s okay not to enter. There will be other ones in the future that will most probably be to your liking. Giveaways are supposed to be fun. So just have fun entering! With a positive kind of attitude, you’ll appreciate winning all the more.

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