
Mis discusiones


Won my first giveaway on pickyyy!!!

So I won my first giveaway on Picky and I was lucky to receive two products. You can check out the review when you click my page or check out my Instagram!!! Here how some of the pic’s came out….


NEED PR help?

Hi I’m Vanessa, fellow a UGC creator and a skincare junkie. But before you read, the advice I’m giving it’s what help me get my first proper PR package. It’s small advice from me as a fellow small influencer (current following on main page is ~1045).My first PR package, which is currently on its the way to me🤩. But what helped me grow my account is is receiving samples, gifts, competition wins and T&Rs (test and reviews). I haven’t stopped and I’m going to continue with what I do, it’s has helped me grow my page and increase my following. Anyways on to the main point…. To start to receive PR you NEED to grow your main account, for brand to see you, you would need to have a 500+ following count ( it’s not a must or have 500+ but it’s a good quality to you account) and high quality content, you need to be active and post minimum at least 3 time a week, good quality photos or videos. If you post a product from a branded company, TAG THEM!!! , it’s always best to tag that brand, let them know you love their products, they WILL notice you. You can start to apply to giveaway(optional) and enter PR applications in their bio. You don’t have to apply for giveaways but that’s what help me specifically it was probably the best for me as a small ugc creator , it gave me a chance to have their products, if I can’t afford it or buy it and take content for my account to gain attraction. For you to gain PR quick it’s best to follow loads of big accounts/ brand that you would like PR from, they will always/ or most of the time post for giveaways or PR application, you just have to apply and if chosen you will get products. Another thing is to have a inviting page, May be a theme, or colour( I personally don’t but it can help) maybe even a quote, or phase( again I don’t have one but it can help), have a business email, you DON’T want your business emails to get lost with private/ personal emails, it will be hard to manage it and fibd company offers. Put something you like in your bio, what do you like, what’s you account about? Pin your fav video or pic. (I pinned my most recently, liked post and my most recent post.) To get easy likes- you can like someone elses post, give them a few like and they WILL return. And the most important thing is to NOT GET SCAMMED!!! When your doing this you don’t need to pay for anything at all, it’s all FREE the most you would is pay for shipping but you don’t need to when getting PR or collecting you competition win. There are also some fake accounts that need try to say you won a competition and such, get you to send you address or send money. It happens to people all the time. Please don’t be persuaded, if you see you need to pay for something it’s best not to enter or pay. 80% of the post on my page that are free I don’t pay for anything, it all gets shipped free and the 20% is thing I’ve bought with my own money instore, I live in the England and there are loads of online competition here. Always read the posts bio. If it’s a competition, it will say what country can enter or what countries can not. Please just enter the competition that you can. Because if you win, and your from England and the competition was only for Americans it’s not always that you will still receive your product they will pick a new winner, so always check, don’t gets your hopes down, please. I’m personally still learning how to get PR for well known brand, but these small thing I mentioned here help me get my first PR bundle, so GOOD LUCK guys, go get them PR’s 😝 Any questions? ☺️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Right now I’m blocked from following, once I’m unrestricted I will follow you all back . 😕

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