I've seen many dermatologists on YouTube talk about LED devices and they all agree that most at home devices don't actually do anything. There are a few that are suitably designed but they cost hundreds if not thousands. So I think it's safe to assume that something this cheap from Alibaba won't do anything good (not to mention may harm your skin and/or eyes).
I would highly suggest you go to a professional for light therapy sessions if that's what you really want to try. Otherwise Picky community is here to help you through your acne journey. I know it's frustrating but patience is key (and staying away from dodgy devices 😊)



you are so kind for taking the time to tell me all of this. I couldn't find the actual device on Amazon so I was just using an example from Alibaba bc im sure that's where most on Amazon are sourced from which are low quality like you said.
that being said, are there any at home treatments or products that you recommend? ❤