Where I leave, it was not that common before to use skincare, maybe because they did not have it or also because nobody was actually teaching the importance of it. So in my family my grandmother and my mother never used it. My mom now kind of uses it because of me, but can’t always convince her.
My point is, you can definitely see they did not take the proper care, but it is not catastrophic. I think genetics is also super important, when talking about wrinkles, but it is for sure not everything.
I would not go back to not using skincare ❤️
nothing, as long as you wash your face under the shower with a delicate product (I've been using my intimate wash also for my face under the shower for years). never wear make up, so my skin is never too dirty. oily so i didnt need cream, maybe a little in winter. now I'm 27 and my skin is drier so i use creams and stuff. also started using spf so i need a better cleanser. but if you have nice genes with skin nothing happens really. actually sometimes your skin might need a pausa unless you have something going on (rosacea , eczema...) but if you have an average normal skin you're all right (only regret, not using spf because i have dark spots -im very pale)