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Red Blemish Clear Soothing Cream




TasTheStuff review for Red Blemish Clear Soothing Cream

Skin Care

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Red Blemish Clear Soothing Cream

product review positives
Disclaimer: I received this product for free from Picky and Dr. G in exchange for my honest review. With that being said, let’s dive into what I thought of this product! 🌱 As someone with acne prone skin, this product particularly interested me. I saw so many tiktok videos talking about this product so I was really excited to be given the opportunity to try this. 🌱 This product claims to target skincare issues such as redness, blemishes, irritation as well as hydrate and brighten the skin. 🌱 Key ingredients support the claims. Niacinamide is an ingredient I sought after in my skincare so I was pleased to see this ingredient near the top of the list. It also contains Centella asiatica extract, which is proven to help with soothing and reducing redness of the skin. It also helps with evening out the skintone. 🌱 I’m currently using this in my rotation because through the few days I’ve used this, I’ve seen some improvements in my skin already. 🌱 The smell of this is light and very refreshing. It is an added bonus that this has a very clean smell with no fragrance. This is perfectly suitable for those with sensitive skin. 🌱 I rate this a 10/10 so far. No stinging feel, reduces appearance of dark spots, and actually reduces the redness in my face. I feel that this actually works in targeting the skin issues I had. I still have to continue this for some time to give whether the final verdict is 10/10 or not. #pickyreview #gopicky #dr.g #drg #skincare
product review negatives
I haven’t found a con of this product yet!




42 Комментариев
Makeuplover94 user profile picture



Need it for my redness !
KathVB user profile picture



I have acne prone skin too and dark spots. Need to try it!
KathVB user profile picture



I have acne prone skin too and dark spots. Need to try it!
SandraLuz user profile picture



Este es uno de los que quiero probar, he visto tantas reseñas que me tiene obsesionada
TasTheStuff user profile picture
picky squad user badge



@Mahrukh20: Thank you for your kind words ❤️

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