Skin Concern
Do you ever wonder why does you underarms smell and other body odours?
Hi there,
Recently I’ve been thinking to share this topic with you guys. I personally went through this when I was in high school during sports time, but it wasn’t that bad. I’ve noticed many people do suffer from this. Same as others I did think it was because of excessive sweating. And I did hear my mom once told that it’s because of some health problem and all. And yah I did believe those saying, still, I was confused and thought there might be some reason or causes and remedies for this issue. Thankfully, we had a class about skin disorders or problems and I get to ask about this question.
Let us first know a bit about body odour and its causes:-
What is body odour?
-Body odour is an umbrella term for natural smells originating from a person.
2. How does the bad odour occur?
We always tend to think that it is all because of too much sweating. But honestly, that can't be the only reason. In actual fact, human sweat is almost odourless. Some people do sweat but don't smell that bad but some people with less sweating themselves give a very bad odour.
‘Bad odour occurs when the sweat meets the famous bacteria’ 😵😱
Literally, our body odour occurs due to bacteria on a person's skin breaking down protein molecules within sweat and producing odour as a result.
3. Body odour typically occurs in a specific area of the body. Common areas include the:
Genitals, armpits, feet, mouth and throat, belly button
4. Causes of body odour.
-Unhygienic is the main cause for bacteria to come in contact with sweat which causes body odour.
-An unhealthy diet can be one of the major causes of bad body odour. ‘Remember You are what You eat.’
-Caffeine or alcohol can also make you sweat more.
-Hot peppers or other spicy foods might also lead to body odour.
-Certain food ingredients like onion and garlic can cause bad breath known as halitosis, especially when eaten raw. The distinctive smell is caused by sulfur-containing chemicals in garlic and onion.
-Stress and anxiety can occasionally cause you to sweat more, leading to a stronger body odour.
5. Finally, How do we deal with or treat this odour?
-Take shower twice daily
-Wash your clothes regularly and make sure to wear clean ones.
-Maintain a healthy diet
-Eat citrus fruits( oranges, lemons and pineapples) instead of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower).
-Drink green tea instead of coffee
Eat cardamom and cinnamon instead of onions and garlic.
-Do some yoga or any other fun activities you like which can eventually help you to release stress
-Do not use deodorant spray that may affect your skin in many ways like it can darken your skin under armpits.
-Some home remedies for that:-
●Dilute some squeezed lemon juice with water and pour it into a spray bottle and spray it under your armpits leave for 4 to 5 mins and then rinse it off with water, this way will help to kill bacteria and balance the pH level of your skin
●Instead of lemon juice, you can also use apple cider vinegar and also witch hazel
●In the same way, you can use neem( Azadirachta indica) powder or oil, dilute with water
●Another effective ingredient is an alum (potassium alum), which is also used as a natural antiperspirant. You can just dip it in water and then directly rub it in your underarms and leave it that’s all.
-Shaving daily reduces body odour. When you remove hair under the armpits and pubic hairs, it reduces trapped odour.
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