Cicalfate+ Repairing Protective Cream

🌸 The product comes in a tube with a screw-cap. It is easy to portion out your desired amount.
🌸 texture is like a very thick cream, almost balm-like. This makes it a little hard to work into the akin, and can leave a whitecast if you use too much
🌸 it is advertised to be effective for reduce redness, inflammation, dry and irritated skin. Especially to be used when the skin is very dry and cracked, to prevent secondary infections. In my opinion, the product works as advertised. Perfect for those SOS days when your skin needs help, but not as much for daily use

🥀 as mentioned above, this product does well in an emergency. But I have to deduct points because it is not very useable as a part of a daily routine.
🥀 the balm-like texture makes it hard to work into the skin, and absortion takes a goos while also
🥀good to have laying around, especially for people with very dry hands/skin, or eczema prone skin
🥀 not suitable to be used as a nightly occlusive IMO, I would rather recommend vaselin for this purpose


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