H2O+ Beauty
H2O+ Beauty - LexiGray review for Hydration Oasis Refreshing Gel Moisturizer
Hydration Oasis Refreshing Gel Moisturizer
A drink of water for thristy skin!
As a beauty professional with 20 years in the beauty industry. Ive been able to try all kinds of diffrent moisturizers especially the water ones. This one is by far the best in beauty!
I have naturally dry skin with mild derm. conditions such as eczema and slight facial rosaeca. Itโs important that I find moitureizers than can deliever the lasting hydration benefits that my unruly skin needs so badly.
My experience with this H20+ Moisturizer has been steller! Aesthetically, its beautiful blue color & frosted jar was most pleasing to the eye! Very relaxing to look at as well to put onto the skin. The texture is a gel like consistancy thats very fast absorbing into the skin, never leaving the skin feeling wet or skicky afterwards. My skin feels ultra hydrated and supple after application. I use this after cleansing and before serums both morning and night. I wake up feeling refreshed, with fully hydrated skin!
This product is for all skin types but highly recommended for dry & extra dry skin types, as well as those with mild skin derm. Like psoriasis, eczema, and rosaeca. This helps relief of dry flaky patches that result in itchy or painful inflamation & irritation.
Nothing bad about it! Great product with great price!
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