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Pink Nectar

Sigi Skin

Sigi Skin


Sigi Skin - Preenam review for Pink Nectar

Eye Creams

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Pink Nectar

product review positives
Weather you’re dealing with dark circles , puffiness or aging signs around eyes , this eye cream is must . This lightweight , almost fragrance free product called β€œPINK NECTAR” eye mask /cream from @sigiskin really stands true to claims and can be incorporated in AM/PM #skincare routine . I loved how this also works as a primer for under eye areas . *Secret : recommended to use as lip mask too , I did n it worked on pigmentation. . Happy πŸ‘„ n πŸ‘€ with single product πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ Been using this for almost 2 months now n kidding you not it has certainly lightened my stubborn dark circles . Ingredients: πŸ‘ , propolis , vitamin E and hyaluronic acid Paraben n curelty free
product review negatives
Pricy and not easily available in all coubtrues




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