Fresh Cica Plus Clear Toner

- the texture is watery but it’s moisturise
- The color is white like rice water, and i see it layering so need to shake it first
- It doesn’t smell like anything
- It absorbs quite fast and feels good to layering
- I prefer use it with hand (without cotton pad) since it’s hydrating toner
After using this for a whole month for my am&pm routine i notice a good change to my skin
- this month is really rainy days, at this period of time my skin usually became super dry to flacky, but I didn’t experience any of this
- I got breakout before I start using this, so a good time to test the product, i notice most of my active acne reducing.. tho i still got some new acne due to my periods coming in the middle of testing.. but good thing is i also notice that acne that’s already heal doesnt left any acne scars or marks
- My skin feels more plumpy and soft as well
Tho.. i think a whole month not enough to heals my whole acne probs but im positive in more time i would get a flawless skin with this one
From this set my fave is this toner because it’s gave an instant hydration and the easiest to combine with other product (not the set)
P.S. i use the whole set (toner, serum + cream)

So far i havent experience anything bad while using this
Its just they pretty fast to sold out here in my country
Either its because limited of the product or just insanely hype not sure hehe


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