Burt's Bees
Burt's Bees - laughter review for Lip Treatment Overnight Passion Fruit & Chamomile
Lip Masks
Lip Treatment Overnight Passion Fruit & Chamomile

I love the way this smells, I love the way this tastes. I love the way it feels on my lips at night. I mean, Chamomile is incredible for skin, then the passion fruit taste is so delicious. I haven't even mentioned the way my lips look after four months. Before my lips were thin, barely there. Dry. Looked very silly with lipstick on. My smokers lines were super prevalent. Now, they look full, healthy, the smoker lines look better, not gone, but better.

The one thing I don't like about this is it didn't come with any type of applicator. I am using uses popsicle sticks right now, but that isn't sustainable. I know I need to buy an actual reusable applicator, I just haven't yet.


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