CARYOPHY - sparklesandnargles review for Portulaca Ampoule
Acne & Blemish Treatments

| 4 March, 2021
Portulaca Ampoule

I have been using this in my PM routine after toning. I like how spreadable it is, and how it's just so light that I think it would work nicely even on sensitive skin.
Since I have been using this, I noticed that when I would have a hormonal zit popping up or so, it would calm it down, and the zit would be smaller the next day.
I don't think it brightens the skin a lot, or that it does anything for my pores (to be fair, it does not really say anything about that), but I like that it protects my skin, and that I feel like it's not as sensitive as it was before, since I have incorporated this in my routine.

I like this ampoule, and I do enjoy using it, but I feel like it lacks a little something special? I can't quite put a finger on it, but...you know how something is good, but then you feel like it can be so much more? Well, that's how I feel about this.


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