Hydrating Face Essence

The use of this essence for about 2 weeks actually produced unexpected results, dry skin owners like me would be very happy because within 2 weeks of using it I felt my face was much more moist and brighter! Can you imagine if it is used maximally a month? I use this essence in the morning and at night. Super duper cool inggredients containing Galactomyces and Hyaluronate which help provide extra moisture to the skin, increase skin elasticity and brighten the skin. Worn with or without cotton The same is delicious, even though I prefer to pour it into my hands and put it on my face. Xixixi has a really nice texture like water that immediately absorbs into the skin, auto moisturized! The packaging is super duper simple and minimalist. It really fits anywhere, I thought about the contents a little it turns out that the 60ml content is really not bad, right? This kind of packaging is really delicious when traveling. Dry skin owners with dull skin are really obliged to try this product

I love this product 💖


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