SkinChemists - astraldew review for Rose Illuminating Glow Peel Off Mask
Peel-off Masks

Rose Illuminating Glow Peel Off Mask

It was a lovely experience as far as application of the mask and peeling of the mask. I was worried that I did not apply enough for it to be affective as it said to apply a thick layer. I am a worrier though, and it peeled of just fine. There were some straggler pieces, but I have not issue getting the remnants off. It had a consistency similar to glue. You can feel a tightening sensation as it dried, and once the edges started peeling up around my mouth, I knew it was go time! It did indeed leave my skin illuminated and super soft to the touch (I know, I know, hands off!)
Patience is needed when ordering from this company because it believe they dropship their products. Meaning they product is not made until you place your order. Which is nice, in that it ensure you get as fresh of a product with as a long of a shelf life as possible.

The are a few questionable things for me, one mainly being the use of Mica as an ingredient. The sourcing Mica is questionable at best and I would prefer this ingredient be removed or swapped with something more ethical.
Also, HEADS UP BEFORE YOU ORDER!!! "Parfum" is listed in the ingredients.


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