I've always used a spot treatment for BP. Usually they contain a lot of carbomer so while the gel might be somewhat thick, it still dries and absorbs down quickly.
Just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after using it so you don't bleach anything, BP bleaches any fabric it comes into contact with, so becareful of your clothes and towels!
5% is good enough, studies have shown that anything 2.5% and above basically does the same thing, but higher potency might mean drying you out more.
Hope this helps.



I barely knew anything about skincare dos and donts when I incorporated benzoyl peroxide in my routine. I bought a benzoyl peroxide treatment cream with 10% concentration! At first, I was so happy that it helped to dry out my acne. One thing I noticed after 2 weeks of usage was that yes, my acnes got dried, but they're still there on my skin and it felt very rough. The area around my acnes also got very patchy and painful. This was my mistake not to look for information on how to use it properly.
My tips are, always start with low concentration. Beside that, try to add hydrating ingredients to prevent the skin getting dry and patchy. Always consult with dermatologist before deciding to use a certain ingredient.



Both previous posters are spot-on.
the other thing to note is that BP does not play nice with a lot of other ingredients. avoid using it at the same time as retinol or Vitamin C.
The peroxide in BP means it is carrying extra oxygen, and both vit c and retinoids break down in oxygen. You won't ruin your face, it's just wasting products/money.
also avoid mixing it with acids, as they are both very harsh on skin.



I started with the cleanser - I’d leave it in as a mask for 10 mins before washing. It’s effective enough for me.