
My Discussions



Hello everyone! I hope you're doing fine. I never thought I would write this post. Basically it's a rant post. So you can skip if you don't want to read my rant lol. I love Picky very much. Whenever I'm about to purchase a skincare product, I make sure to check in Picky if it is my holy grail or it's risky for me. The people here are super fun and sweet too! I love reading everyone's reviews. But I have a small problem. It's no big deal. And in no way I'm hating on anyone. It's just that some people spend so much time on Picky. They help others, write reviews and comment on every helpful post. Yet they are overlooked during the giveaways. I have seen so many active and worthy people not win a single giveaway. Whereas there are people who barely write any reviews, write comments. And they win all the giveaways. Even some people I follow won 3 to 5 giveaways in a week. And when I checked the region theu reside, it's always the same country. The ones who win keeps winning. And the others are always overlooked. I hope things change and everyone gets an equal opportunity. Thank you.

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