SKIN1004 - GlowWithGia review for ZOMBIE BEAUTY by SKIN1004 Witch Pack
Wash-Off Masks

ZOMBIE BEAUTY by SKIN1004 Witch Pack

This is the best mud mask I've tried in a while!! The box came with 8 pouches of mud and a small applicator brush.
The mud itself is not gritty at all and its very smooth and soothing to brush on.
There is more than enough mud in one pouch for more than one application if stored properly! So thats a nice perk!
I didn't a scent or fragrance of any kind, and it left my face feeling really fresh and clear!

My experience with the product itself was very positive! But the brush it comes with is cheaply made, the top part fell off after I washed and rinse the mud out after one use. This wont prevent me from using the mask or buying more though!


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